Softube Tape Review

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Softube Tape Torrent

Softube Tape Review

Softube Tape

Tape deck emulations seem to be very much in fashion at the moment. Over the past few years, we've seen all kinds of machines and many types of tapes mimicked in software, and the quality of some of these has been nothing short of astounding. 'If you know your history, you'll appreciate the significance of this particular unit, which recorded many a classic record' Waves' latest is unique in the fact that it emulates the first ever Studer multitrack tape machine, built for - and subsequently modified by - Abbey Road Studios in 1965. If you know your recording history, you'll appreciate the significance of this particular unit, which recorded many a classic record, including The Beatles' seminal Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Tape it down J37 Tape (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) emulates the fundamental qualities of that very machine, including controls for Wow and Flutter (Rate and Depth), Noise Level and Saturation amount.